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IVV News

IVV-ASIA head office

Yushima Hitown Bldg.
4-6-11, Yushima, Bunkyo,
Tokyo 113-00347, Japan



AVV-ASIA News vol.1

November 1, 2010

The Asian Confederation of Popular Sports (AVV) was founded

It was decided at the IVV Delegates Meeting in Luxemburg , 2010 that three continental confederation (Europe, America and Asia) would be established. According to this approval, the representatives of four countries (Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan) had the 1st general assembly of the Asian Confederation of Popular Sports in Tokyo, Japan on October 15, 2010.
The general assembly approved the statutes of AVV (Asiatish Volkssportverband: Asian Confederation of Popular Sports) and elected the following Bureau members.

President Miyashita M (Japan)
Vice President Sun SK (Korea)
Vice President Jin Q (China)
Vice President Hsieh CH (Taiwan)
Secretary Kawauchi M (Japan)

The Bureau members will eagerly invite the existing IVV member clubs of India, Indonesia, Mongolia, and Thailand and also the related associations of other East-Asian countries.
AVV head office is set up in the office of Japan Walking Association (JWA)
c/o JWA Kanda St Bldg. 1-2-4, Yushima, Bunkyo,
Tokyo 113-8530, Japan
Tel. 81-3-5256-7850, Fax. 81-3-5256-7856
E-mail. jva@walking.or.jp

The goals of AVV

The goals of AVV are
‡@ to promote public health by encouraging mainly Asian people to join the non-competitive sports events such as walking, cycling, swimming, aqua-walking, cross-country-skiing, snow-shoeing and so on.
‡A to foster the friendship among the participants from different countries.

What is IVV?

IVV (Internationale Volkssportvervand:International Federation of Popular Sports) was founded in 1968 by the clubs from Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein. Thereafter 54 countries all over the world have joined in the IVV.
At present 7,500 events are conducted in different countries, and approximately 14.5 million participants have been registered. (The effective Number of participants in the IVV events considerably higher than the registered number.)
The purpose of the IVV is to organize non-competitive sports events, and more specifically;to bring together national associations of popular sports, while fully understanding their legal and financial independence: to encourage the exchange of views and experiences: and by doing so, to promote mutual assistance.
To award, through member associations, international popular sports achievement awards to individuals in recognition of their repeated participation in popular sports events.

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