
IVV-ASIA head office

Yushima Hitown Bldg.
4-6-11, Yushima, Bunkyo,
Tokyo 113-00347, Japan



Welcome to the World of IVV-ASIA

is one of fun and friendship with the added benefits of good health and physical fitness. Safe exercise in a non-competitive environment is the goal. The participant chooses the sport, the distance, and the pace.

AVV events, volkssports, are for all people. Everyone is welcome.

AVV members organize lots of volkssport events each year for people of all ages and abilities. For more information, please read through our Internet site or contact us.

AVV-ASIA News vol.42

May, 2024

IVV-ASIA-President Motohiro Kawauchi

◇ The 6th Asianpiad in Seoul Korea

□ Dates : Friday, October 25th 2024 - Sunday, October 27th 2024
□ Venue : Olympic Park Peace Square
□ Event : Walking - 5km, 10km, 25km, 42km
      Cycling - 10km, 25km
      Swimming - 300m, 500m
□ Host : Korea Athletic Promotion Association(KAPA)
      Asia Vorkssport Verband(AVV)

◇ Schedule
Date Time Event details
25th Oct
11:00 - 13:30 AVV Congress of Delegates Olympic Paktel
15:30 - 16:30 Parade(Seokchon Lake→Olympic Park)
16:30 - 17:30 Openning Ceremony Olympic Park
Peace Square
18:30 - 23:00 Welcome Party Olympic Paktel
26th Oct
06:00 - 07:00 Walking Start 42km Start/Finish
Olympic Park
Peace Square
08:00 - 09:00 Walking Start 25km
09:30 - 10:30 Walking Start 10km, 5km
11:00 - 16:00 Cycling 25km, 10km
13:00 - 15:00 Swimming 300m, 500m
17:00 End of all Activities
27th Oct
06:00 - 07:00 Walking Start 42km Start/Finish
Olympic Park
Peace Square
08:00 - 09:00 Walking Start 25km
09:30 - 10:30 Walking Start 10km, 5km
11:00 - 16:00 Cycling 25km, 10km
16:00 - 17:00 Closing Ceremony
17:00 End of all Activities
※ Event schedule and contents may change depending on circumstances.

◇ Participation Fee
  US 80$ (Welcome dinner included)

◇ Designated Hotel : SEOUL OLYMPIC PARKTEL
□ TWIN(2 people, breakfast included) - US 140$
□ SINGLE(1 people, breakfast included) - US 120$
  ※ To make a hotel reservation, you can request the room style you want through Kappa when registering for the competition.

◇ Application for participation
□ Pre-Registration Deadline : Friday, August 30th 2024
□ Application Method
  E-mail kapa7077@korea.com
  Please fill out the participation application form and apply by e-mail.
  Website www.walking.or.kr
  Individuals can apply for participation on the website.

AVV-ASIA News vol.41

March, 2023


Minutes of 7th General Assembly of Asian Confederation of Popular Sports (IVV-ASIA )

IVV-ASIA-President Motohiro Kawauchi
1. On February 19th 2023, the 7th General Assembly of Asian Confederation of Popular Sports (IVV-ASIA) was held at La Quinta Hotel and Suites in San Antonio, Texas USA.
2. The opening comment in letter was from IVV-ASIA-President Mr. Miyashita.
3. The greeting address was given by IVV-President Mr. Colantonio.
4. The welcoming address to the IVV-ASIA Delegates was given from Ms. Wittenberg, the chair of AVA.
5. Two delegates from IVV-ASIA, Taiwan, and Japan were present at the meeting.
 The delegates welcomed IVV-presidium members as supervisors.
6. In accordance with the statues, IVV-ASIA-Secretary Kawauchi (at the time of meeting) was nominated as the chair by Mr. Miyashita’s letter.
7. Financial report was presented by IVV-ASIA Secretary Kawauchi and approved.
8. Mr. Kawauchi M of Japan was elected as the next IVV-ASIA-President 2023-2026.
9. All the four vice-Presidents were re-elected.
 Mr. Pan-Nan Huang of Taiwan
 Mr. Vladimir Menovshchikov of Ginseng Group, Vladivostok
 Ms. Fitriani Kuroda of Indonesia
 Mr. Sang Kyu Sun of Korea (?)
10. The 6th Asianpiad 2024 was elected to be held in Suncheon Korea. The date of the event was not confirmed.
11. The final address was done by New IVV-ASIA-President Kawauchi and the congress was closed.

AVV-ASIA News vol.40

October, 2022


 Messages from IVV-ASIA

IVV-Congress of Delegates was held on August 23th Kehl Germany.
The situation of IVV-ASIA members during COVID-19 with the slides was presented inthe Congress.
IVV Congress of Delegates 2024 in Canberra, Australia, IVV-Olympiad 2025 in Tampere, Finland and other motions are discussed and decided.
IVV-Olympiad will be held in San Antonio, Texas, USA, in February 2023. We hope we will have IVV-ASIA General Meeting over there.

AVV-ASIA News vol.39

August 19, 2022


 Messages from IVV-ASIA

AVV-ASIA News vol.38

April 9, 2022



・IVV-Asianpiad in Vladivostok 2022 was cancelled.
・IVV-Olympid in Seoul 2022 was canncelled.

IVV-ASIA News vol.37

November 24, 2020


 Dear Walking Friends of IVV-Asia;
We hope you are living well, even though the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 dos e not drawing to the end. To our great regret, the 5th Asianpiad in Vladivostok was postponed to the next year.
In order to keep and develop a friendship among the countries of IVV-Asia, we w ould like to propose the positive exchange of information of walking events in e ach country via internet.
We would like to make mutual link of each Asian country’s website, so that all Asian walkers can easily get walking events information of other countries.

Table: Address of homepage of 5 countries
Japan:http://ivv-jva.com/      (Japanese)
:http://ivv-jva.com/img/2020JVAIVVbook.pdf (English)
Korea:http://www.walking.or.kr  (Korea)
Taiwan:http://www.mountaineering.org.tw/tw/ (Chinese)
:http://www.mountaineering.org.tw/en/ (English)
Indonesia:http://www.jogjaheritagewalk.com/ (English)
Russia:http://lhzh.ru/ (Russian)

IVV-ASIA News vol.36

April 20, 2020


 Dear IVV-ASIA Walking Friends;
We have deicided that the new schedule of 5th Asianpiad in Vladivostok will be O ctober 23rd-24th 2021.

IVV-ASIA News vol.35

April 1, 2020


 Dear IVV-ASIA Walking Friends;
We have just received the postponement notice of the 5th Asianpiad in Vladivos tok. The alternative date will be notified later.

IVV-ASIA News vol.34

March 9, 2020


 Dear IVV-ASIA Walking Friends;
We have just received the cancellation notice of the 13th Taiwan IVV Walking as below.

On behalf of CTAA's president Pan-Nan Huang, I would like to inform the IVV-Asia that the 13th Taiwan IVV WWD Walking festival, which is scheduled to be held on April 25.26, is canceled due to the COVID-19 disease in Taiwan and around the g lobe. In response to the situation, CTAA cooperates with our government to preve nt the epidemic by avoiding activities involving a large number of people.
This event always involves thousands of people. To protect the health and safety of all participants, the event is decided to be canceled. The event will be sus pended until the next year. We believe that all Asian countries will stand toget her to fight this severe disease and the situation will be getting better.
Also, We wish all the IVV-Asian friends healthy and well during this difficult t ime.

黃偉峰 中華民國山岳協會, 國際組
Wei-Feng Huang, Chinese Taipei Alpine Association(CTAA), Chief of Foreign Affair s http://www.mountaineering.org.tw

IVV-ASIA News vol.32

Dec 2018


The 4th Asianpiad was held in Jogjakarta, Indonesia on 17th and 18th November 2018.

 On the previous day, 16th Friday, The IVV-ASIA Congress was held. After the congress, Inter national flag parade was with the IVV-international flag, and IVV-ASIA flag.

 More than 350 international walkers from 25 countries Visited Jogjakarta for the Asianpiad.

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